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Showing posts with label record label signed contract recording deal how to indie independent publishing music musician band itunes media. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to Get Your Song on iTunes Through GreenTruck Records

GreenTruck Records is a brand new music label open to submissions from new artists who are looking for something different when trying to get a record deal. One of our goals as a company is to get new artists high quality recordings of their songs and get those songs on iTunes. There are two basic ways to get your music on iTunes with GreenTruck Records.

1) Have your own music prepared for iTunes before submitting it to us.

To get your music on iTunes (through GreenTruck Records or otherwise,) you need to have a high quality recording, high quality artwork, and a UPC code. Generally, a high quality recording that is ready to submit to iTunes means work done with professional quality equipment, not your built-in laptop microphone and Garage Band. Some bands have done their own recording in their bedrooms and garages, but in order get accepted by iTunes they are likely done with top of the line equipment. If you have already saved up a chunk of money and paid a studio to record and master your music, you probably have a recording that is ready to be put on iTunes.

Along with high quality sound recording, you must have high quality artwork for your album (or single) cover. If you haven’t already, have a friend who is a graphic designer or photographer who is good with Photoshop create a hi-res image that will look like professional artwork for your music when it is displayed on iTunes for users to purchase. This is often an overlooked element, but in order to get your music on iTunes, it must have professional quality album art.

Finally, to get on iTunes you need a UPC code for your album. If you have one already, great. If not, GreenTruck Records can provide you with a UPC code to get your album iTunes ready if you choose to sign with us.

If you have professionally recorded music, high quality album art, and a UPC code, you are ready to have your music on iTunes. At GreenTruck Records, we offer limited contracts exclusively for the purpose of putting your music on iTunes or a more complete “record deal” that is more all-inclusive. We will discuss these options with you after you have submitted your demo packet to us at

2) Sign with GreenTruck and get your music professionally produced.

If you were reading through the last section thinking, “I haven’t done any of those things,” don’t worry. GreenTruck Records can still get your music on iTunes, it will just take more time and effort to get you prepared for that. If you choose to sign with us, GreenTruck can help you get your music professionally recorded, assist you in creating your album art, and of course get you a UPC. You don’t have to have spent money on a professional demo to get songs on iTunes at this point, but you will need to get into a studio eventually to get to that point.

The first step down this path is to submit a demo packet to us at We’ll get in touch with you and discuss our options after listening to your work.